I've recently connected up with Tumblr to see how they do things over there. I've got a bit of a footprint in the 'Blogger' world already, but I was curious to see if they do something a little different. My conclusion is that Tumblr is basically like Blogger with more style, and leaning more towards images, although it looks like some of their text capability is fairly stylish as well.
I posted a series of eleven pics to Twitter the other day and thought I'd put those up as a test. Blogger doesn't seem to offer me any means to do a tiled array of the small thumbnails that I pulled back down from TwitPic. I could put together a simple HTML table to pull it off, but I thought I'd see what Tumblr could do with it.
The result is good. Here's the final photo, plus the nice array that I just screen-shot captured from the Tumblr presentation:
The Tumblr interface stops you at 10 pictures, but it gives you several different layout options for tiled arrays.
So kudos to Tumbr. Not sure how much I'll add there, but if the experience continues to be painless and stylish, it could attract some additional attention from yours truly.