Monday Morning Art

I love art - and come by it from a combination of early exposure to tantalizing tidbits, a pretty strong art-history, and practice, background through high school, and then a few decades of post school years that have involved travel and seeing some of the greats close up. 

As a life-long fan of fine arts, and closet artist, at some point in 2015 I started a Twitter series that focussed on some of my favourite artists. Mostly they were ones from the last 100-150 years. Some broadly famous, others a bit more obscure.  I touched on classical, abstract, figurative and sculpture, with no real pattern or theme other than they were artists that I liked.

It was a bit more effort than I could afford every Monday, as it was fun and gradually took up more than the 20-30minutes I'd hoped to spend on it each week.  Thus, after about 21 episodes of this Twitter series, I wrapped it up. There are two episode #7s – seems I briefly lost count.

But, here for your enjoyment are the artists. Each posting shares a few of their works (usually focussing on the lesser known pieces, when they are a well known artist).  I also add my own impressions and highlight my favourite work.


  1. Monet
  2. Mondrian
  3. Hopper
  4. Matisse
  5. Rothko
  6. Lismer
  7. Picasso
    The other #7 - Henry Moore  (My numbering fail)
  8. Duchamp
  9. Degas
  10. Escher
  11. Thomson
  12. Casson
  13. Mucha
  14. Hokusai
  15. Kramskoy
  16. Magritte
  17. Pollack
  18. Klee
  19. Carr
  20. Munch
Finally, my swan song - the Monday Morning Art series wrap up.